Chapter Ten: Waking up to reality


CHAPTER TEN: WAKING UP TO REALITY {hani blithe's point of view} He kissed me.       Electrifying sparks flowed from his mouth and passed through mine. My body was tingling in response. The thought that the same spark that came from his mouth almost opened a door back in my past brings me horrors to ways I couldn't imagine. It took great willpower to shut all of those memories out, to shut that door closed as long as I could.       I then let that spark ignited another type of emotion.        My eyes dilated, chest constricted, and my eyes speak rage. I grew f*****g livid.        How dare this son of a b***h?       "Simply delicious, sweetheart."        Not taking another second to think, my fist decided to do some damage on the man. Without overthinking anything, I made sure to mo

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