Innocent Eyes


[Lucien]      The bedroom door opened and Bellamy entered holding a basket with some bottles. She closed the door and crossed to me.     “I have a shampoo and conditioner that I think would smell fantastic on you. There’s a body wash, shaving cream, razors, wash cloths, toothbrush, and toothpaste. I have mouthwash in the bathroom. Did I miss anything?” She smiled.     “Someone to help wash my back?” I winked.     “As wonderful as that sounds, I have a mission this evening and I can’t afford to be worn out or stiff. There’s a sponge on a stick you can use in the shower. Now, move that ass or I’ll move it for you.” She growled playfully.     I sniffled. “Mother was right. You sleep with a warrior once and they stop wanting anything to do with you.”     “Come on, babe. You knew what thi

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