Marriage Counseling


[Lucien]     We left our room and headed for Warrick’s office. He answered after a couple knocks and waved us in, sitting behind his desk.     “What’s up?” He asked.     “We need to leave sooner than we thought.” Bellamy answered. “Lucien said you and Janie had some stuff to talk to us about.”     “When are you leaving?”     “We need to leave tomorrow after lunch. I want to have at least one full day at home before heading to Lune Rouge.” She replied.     “Janya’s on her way. Dinner’s at seven, that gives us about two and a half hours to talk. In the morning, the two of you can join us for training. Bellamy needs to train every day or she gets antsy. Remember that. She’ll be easier to handle that way.” He winked.     “I’ll handle you. You’re my first sparring partner tomorrow.” She

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