The Stolen Alpha


[Bellamy/Jamie]     I crossed the room carefully and knelt on the mattress. The man groaned and turned his head to me. He had a black eye and a split lip. I rolled him over and found more bruises on his torso. There were two bite marks on his neck, right below the collar, and another over his heart. I continued examining him and found two more bites on his thighs.     He moved to try and cover himself as he became more conscious. I’d already seen it, but I wouldn’t say anything. I checked for broken bones and found none. He was weak, though. Seeing an Alpha like this was heartbreaking. Never in his life, had he experienced this sort of powerlessness.     “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m gonna help you. I’ll see if they can get some food before they go down for the day and I can get you fed.”

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