A Picnic Date


[Forrest] On Saturday, I put together the picnic like Carmen and Gemma told me to. It was such a weird thing to do. Normally, we would find a place to drink and flirt, then go back to someone’s house. Maybe we would go out to a human club to drink and dance. A picnic was a stupid idea. Maybe we could laugh about it later. I didn’t know what Pyla liked doing, yet. I knew exactly where I was taking her, though. There was a meadow that got a lot of sunshine and had a stream around the edge of it. If I stayed still long enough, I could watch animals come to the stream to drink. Only Rock knew about the place because I didn’t think anyone else would appreciate it as much as I did. This was the first time I would be taking anyone, other than Rock, to my secret place. If Gemma and Carmen w

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