The Boulder


[Rock] “What do you want to know?” I asked. “All I know is her name and that she had one night with your dad. I’ve never heard the name Eru before. How did she come to live here?” I breathed in deeply and sighed. She wanted to know everything. I supposed it was understandable. It was her mother-in-law, after all. “Eru is an elven word for desert. My mother was named by her mother’s friend, Queen Maeve. They became friends as my mother grew older, but I never really got to know the queen, myself. I don’t really know where to start from here….” Carmen laid her head on my shoulder and caressed my face with her hand. She traced a finger over my lips and I kissed it. I knew she was trying to connect with me by asking about my family, but I didn’t talk about my mom or her past very much

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