Meeting Friends


[Rock] When the weekend finally rolled around, Blanche was running around the yard like crazy while I was getting the food prepared. I had two hogs in the pit and two large racks of ribs in the smoker. It wasn’t as much as I would normally cook with all of my friends, but it was a decent amount of food. Carmen let me know we were doing this in a potluck style, so other people would bring food, too. That meant more time for us to play. I found that Blanche was as sweet and playful as Carmen was. She had a lot of energy to spare and loved wrestling. I never knew how much I needed someone like her in my life. It was like having a mate and a pet all at the same time. Though it was sad I didn’t have a second form to share with her. Blanche was a beautiful wolf. She had dusty gray fur and

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