

[Rock] I was stuck. My brother insulted my mate, which is understandable, but I didn’t know how to respond. Part of me wanted to punch him in the face and part of me wanted to pick at him, too. What was going on with me? The longer I was quiet, the more hurt Carmen looked. I got the distinct feeling that it was me, not my brother, that was making her feel that way. How did I manage what? Loving her? Desiring her? What was he really asking? Haldor rarely asked questions with an obvious answer. “It looks like you broke him.” Forrest laughed. “It’s because your brother never cared what a woman looked like. He liked humans and trolls. It’s all part of being half and half.” I looked over at him. Haldor wasn’t asking that. He was one of those who always asked deeper questions without it se

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