Phone Calls


[Rock] When we got back to the house, I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up to the phone ringing and Carmen nestled on my chest. I couldn’t imagine anything as perfect as falling asleep and waking up to find my mate there. I moved my groggy little mate off of me and got off the couch. She worked on smoothing her hair and I tried not to laugh. She was even cuter with her mussed hair. Not that I’d tell her that. I thought she was beautiful no matter what. “Hello?” I asked when I answered. “Rock Beaumont?” For a moment, I froze. Though I never spent a lot of time with her, I knew Queen Maeve’s voice. She called me on Friday to wish me good luck with my birthday celebration. “This is him.” “I am calling because there is an issue that you are directly involved with.”

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