Part 8


Colin's POV (Blood Pact) Stab and I managed to get to training this morning, but I suspect the Alpha was still suffering some ill effects of last night’s drinking because he wouldn’t spar with Terri. He did pummel Gamma Marcus just for the hell of it the entire time, not even paying attention to the routine. I wasn’t hungover but I sparred with Conner, just to be on the safe side. Terri kindly offered to lead the drills, I think she was having too much fun watching Alpha and Gamma trying to kill each other. Terri’s a bit of a sadist, she gets off on sick displays of pain. We took our time to shower and eat before slowly making our way into the office. I stared at the paperwork piling up and my to-do list app on my phone. I whispered a small prayer that after her contract was over Caly wo

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