Chapter 14-Shehzad Atish


Silence filled the air. I rubbed my joint thumbs on my chin and placed them in between my brows. "What happened then?" He prompted me. "Time flies by; or some say. Now that I look at it, already five years passed but I'm still stuck there. I never allowed myself to move forward. My mind is still stuck in that state of mind; into a time frame where I can be with her again." I muttered almost to myself. Abdul Ghafoor asked. "What happened next?" I sighed and backed on the sofa. "She died after a few weeks later and like always, God didn't answer my prayer. I was left all alone again. But I wasn't the only one, they were both orphans and after Cassie died, Shekely was devastated. He ordered all of his subordinates to wreak havoc in Chicago. And because I was also emotionally unstable so

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