Summer left the gates open as she went towards the main door, turning the knob vigorously as if her whole life depended on it. "Whoa! If it was that urgent then you should have used the one in the club!" Rain smirked and suggested, thinking that she wanted to use the washroom badly. Summer pulled back and made a face, she just stared at the door and waited for Rain to open it. He shoved his hands in his side pockets to pull out the keys but to his surprise, his keys weren't with him. He kept searching in his pockets until he realised that he had lost them. With a frown, he cussed and bent down to search the spare keys in the flower pots. "What happened?" Summer asked hesitantly when she noticed that something wasn't quite right. "Duh can't you see...I lost the keys," he huffed and conti

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