Awkward Alert!


 It was during the third week of her stay when Mrs. Guerrero asked her to help her clean out the mess in her husband's study. The study room was small and cramped with books and broken items. It was quite stuffy and dusty just like Mrs. Guerrero had warned. "We do this every year, I and Novio throw away the junk in the storeroom and then your uncle comes back with his junk and keeps it back the way it was," she covered her head with a red scarf and instructed both Novio and Summer to start dusting the cabinets. When they were done, Mrs. Guerrero lifted a carton and walked outside the room. Summer rushed to her and insisted on carrying it instead. They walked out of the villa from the back door and headed toward the shed in the backyard. "Just dump it where he won't find it," Mrs. Guerre

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