The Coxon Fund-11


“You mean that Miss Anvoy has talked to you? She has told me so herself,” he said. “It was not to tell you so that I wanted to see you,” I replied; “for it seemed to me that such a communication would rest wholly with herself. If, however, she did speak to you of our conversation, she probably told you I was discouraging.” “Discouraging?” “On the subject of a present application of the Coxon Fund.” “To the case of Mr. Saltram? My dear fellow, I don’t know what you call discouraging!” Gravener exclaimed. “Well, I thought I was, and I thought she thought I was.” “I believe she did, but such a thing is measured by the effect. She’s not discouraged.” “That’s her own affair. The reason I asked you to see me was that it appeared to me I ought to tell you frankly that decidedly I can’t und

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