Chapter 7 - Goner


Chapter 7 - GonerMel 5:40 AM, Tuesday Morning, February 17th I was sitting back at the kitchen table, this time lacing my boots back on when my duty cell buzzed from where it lay a foot away. Dana was leaned back against a counter, holding Jef against her shoulder, trying to get him to burp. Boo moved back and forth between us seemingly undecided about what was more interesting, mommy with a baby or my boot laces. Since I was trying to get laced up and shoe her away at the same time, I punched the speakerphone button rather than picking the unit up. “Sheriff Crane,” I answered. “It’s Treadway, Sheriff.” I couldn’t tell anything from my always stoic patrol supervisor’s tone. “What’s going on Joe?” “We’ve found her Sheriff...or someone we believe to be her.” “You have a body?” I aske

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