Chapter 21


    Blood.     Blood everywhere.     All over the floor, all over her pajamas, gushing from copious gouges that pocked all over Adrian’s chest and abdomen, though none oddly, thankfully, in the heart area. Ari had ripped his shirt in two, trying to get a better idea of how bad the wound was, only to find the macabre nightmare of malicious crimson geysers everywhere!      Straddling him, she sat on his lower body, pressing her hands down on the biggest wound, the one she had pulled the knife out of. Watching the blood ooze through her fingers, she knew, even as her throat thickened, she would suck at being a doctor because she was all sorts of panicking right now!     “Adrian!” gargling on her tears. He had passed out nearly a minute ago, his head fallen limply to the side. “Oh s**t, oh

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