The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge-5


We carried her upstairs, laid her on the sofa, and a couple of cups of the strongest coffee soon cleared her brain from the mists of the drug. Baynes had been summoned by Holmes, and the situation rapidly explained to him. “Why, sir, you’ve got me the very evidence I want,” said the inspector warmly, shaking my friend by the hand. “I was on the same scent as you from the first.” “What! You were after Henderson?” “Why, Mr. Holmes, when you were crawling in the shrubbery at High Gable I was up one of the trees in the plantation and saw you down below. It was just who would get his evidence first.” “Then why did you arrest the mulatto?” Baynes chuckled. “I was sure Henderson, as he calls himself, felt that he was suspected, and that he would lie low and make no move so long as he though

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