Chapter 22-2


"Wouldn't you?" On the flatscreen, the desperate lizard reminded a huge, red dragon they'd made a bargain, that if he went on a quest, the dragon would reward him by giving him the woman of his dreams. The red dragon lifted his paw over the desperate lizard's head and said, 'a dragon always keeps its word.' The wives all sighed as a female lizard ran out from behind the dragon's throne, into the desperate lizard's arms. On the spot, Shay'tan had them say their wedding vows. Happy music played as the couple sang and danced. Ninsianna stared down at the basket which, no matter how many wires she wove in, always seemed to sag. "Yes," she said at last. "To save my world, I'll do anything but sacrifice my son." Apausha heaved himself out of his chair and touched his fingers to his forehead

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