Chapter 20


Chapter 20 And all married women (are forbidden) unto you Save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. . —Quran 4:24 . GITA Billions of stars danced through the canopy of the enormous tree. The branches swayed in a gentle symphony, while beneath the tree, Mikhail milked a brown goat and spoke to the creature as though the two were friends. Gita watched from the branches. Sing, child. And he will come and find you... "He doesn't want to remember me." He does. He just can't remember why. She watched him dig in the rocks beneath the Eternal Tree. He was searching for something. Was it her? No. Beneath the stones, Ninsianna's cape beckoned like a bright red flower. Her chest hurt when he dug out the scorched garment and pressed his nose into the fabric, crying out: "Where

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