Chapter 16


Chapter 16 Wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, And lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)… I have been sent with the sword between my hands . —Osama Bin Laden . BA'AL ZEBUB Ba'al Zebub snorted as the mercantilist walked away. Foolish mortal! Who did Laum think he was to make demands upon the One True God? He closed his eyes and relished the throb of war drums, the scent of melting steel, and the hot bitumen poured upon the river boats. His tongue froze as he detected another scent, one originating from the flooded field. He stepped towards the edge of the water which stank like rotten eggs. It was not precisely a scent, but more the absence of any scent. As if, in the center of the retting flax-fronds, a thunderstorm had just passed, cleansing the air with

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