Chapter 5: Plucking the thorns out of the flower. - As if the answer had come to her, Roseanne found her heart stammering loudly. Was her older sister the reason why the Young Lord had grown evil? Did Annalisa sputter lies, blinding his mind and able to manipulate her as much as Roseanne had been controlled? It was not impossible, knowing how easily her sister would twist the truth. Yes… Remembering her death, Alistair from the future has the eyes of someone who hated Roseanne more than anything else. Circling back to the times when Roseanne was known as someone who wanted to harm her own child, she could vividly remember that this child had cried before her, kneeling to his father to forgive his mother. Alistair adored his mother, and he would not change so easily if no one h

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