XI remained awhile at the top of the stair, but with the effectpresently of understanding that when my visitor had gone, he hadgone: then I returned to my room. The foremost thing I saw there bythe light of the candle I had left burning was thatFlora’slittle bed was empty; and on this I caught my breathwith all the terror that, five minutes before, I had been able toresist. I dashed at the place in which I had left her lying andover which (for the small silk counterpane and the sheets weredisarranged) the white curtains had been deceivingly pulledforward; then my step, to my unutterable relief, produced ananswering sound: I perceived an agitation of the window blind, andthe child, ducking down, emerged rosily from the other side of it.She stood there in so much of her candor and so little

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