Testing for Truth


“Come in, Echo.” Victor called out. I opened the door and bowed. “The donors have left. Is your office to your liking?” “Yes. You did fantastically. We looked around downstairs and every room is perfection. You have a wonderful eye.” He beamed.  His praise made me feel amazing. I wanted to make him happy because he gave me so much. He was my friend. Not just the vampire I served. “Come sit. I have my kit. We can take and test your blood now.” Rosalynn said. I sat in one of the leather seats across from Victor’s desk. She pulled out a small kit and started unpacking things. There were some rubber strips, needles, tubing, and little containers. She took my arm and poked around in the bend until she found what she was looking for. I watched her tie a rubber strip around my arm, cl

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