Meeting the Witch-1


Echo walked into the room and put her hand on my shoulder. I soaked in the feeling of her touch. It made my body feel warmer. She was the balm to whatever he’d just done to me. I needed her touch more than anything I’d ever needed. I moved my head to rub my face against her arm, but saw Victor’s face and decided against it. If I scented her, he would kill me. I was pretty sure. Instead, I stood. “We should get going. Is there anything else you need Echo to do before we leave?” I asked. “No, thank you, Gray. This is Echo’s day off. She only has to do what she wants. Have a good night, princess. I want you to have as much fun as possible.” He smiled. “Thank you, Victor. Will you be alright without me?” She questioned softly. “I managed the last few hundred years, I think one night

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