Chapter 5 – Missed


Chapter 5 – Missed Mel stopped at the opera house on her way home and parked conspicuously out in front of it. It was only 12:30. People were milling all about the village and Hannah’s little bakery appeared to be buzzing. She was sure word about her activities - that she was out and about, checking things out - would spread quickly in ‘Gossipville’, her secret nickname for Morelville. That’s what she wanted. The first window, the one closest to the road, was closed and seemingly latched from inside. She couldn’t budge it by trying to pry at the frame at all. She was prepared for the second window. When she opened it easily enough again, as she had in the morning, she got as far up inside of it as her broad shoulders and gun belt would let her to have a better look. There was a thumb la

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