Chapter 10


Chapter 10 Matthias looked back and forth at Aliana who was happily talking to Lucille, he had been in Lucille’s room for a while after Gihenna got home because of persuading him to join the violinist contest in the other town. He knows that the contest is an opportunity for him, but he made a promise to Lucille that he will stay by her side until she recovers from the surgery that happened. But Matthias was thinking a while ago because he didn't know why there was a part of him that wanted to explain to Aliana about Gihenna. He didn't want her to think anything else about him and Gihenna who was just a friend to him. “Really? You will paint me?” Lucille excitedly ask Aliana with a bright smile on her lips that Aliana smiley nod at Lucille, and hold its two little hands. “Yes, you will

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