Chapter 14


SLOWLY, Aliana woke up when she heard her alarm clock ringing, she set the alarm for seven am because she and Matthias had a walk with the children at the orphanage. Aliana didn't sleep very well after her conversation with Chastity because she couldn't get rid of Matthias's confession, and that was even more so because of the conversation she had with Chastity. *FLASHBACK* “Eh?! He did said that?!” “He is! I ask him if he’s just joking or even serious on his confessing but…” “He is serious, oh my gosh Aliana, I want to meet that Matthias who liked you just for a short fvcking period of time. I’m more curious to him, should book a ticket to where you are right now so I can meet him?” Aliana still didn’t know how to accumulate the reactions she felt at that moment, she still daze and

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