Chapter 12: Go to Uni, they say. It'll be fun, they say.


Chapter Twelve: Go to Uni, they say. It'll be fun, they say.   It has only     been the second week of school and it was nothing but stress in a bucket... that you wanted to drown yourself in. Well, for both Princess and Rah—that is.     They were both late enrollees in the University, one who took the exam quite seriously as the gossip had gone through the school. Aside from them, there were a lot of students taking the test with them but they were the only students who passed with flying colors and was generally accepted.      Princess did not even take that test seriously.     She was just a-balling it.       Princess was sitting in one of the benches, thinking about the things that she needed to be done as she had slipped two weeks of activities since she was not here by then.

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