Chapter 07: Welcome back home


CHAPTER SEVEN:  WELCOME BACK HOME  -o n e   w e e k   a g o- {rah's point of view}     I SAT ON my bed, conflicted on what to think about what had happened or what to even think about a scenario like this. Never had I let a prisoner escape from my grasp and if they had insisted on running away from me, I mostly shot them from a distance as I hated taking care of babies.      However, here I was. My dumb self was just waiting for my alarms to turn on — counting the hours for the heiress to run away from this very place. There are questions as to why she needed to run away from me. That Princess seemed to have enjoyed my company and no matter how much she tried on bitching it out on me - she seemed like she was comfortable here.     Then why the f**k is she running away?     I do not

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