Chapter 11


“Jaelyn!” Tate had bellowed. Although she had disappeared in front of him, he turned in a circle, searching for her, hoping she was simply behind him, or maybe off standing by the others. But no. She wasn’t anywhere. Had she even been here in the first place? Aron had hustled to his side, followed by Sébastien, his father, and Myung; they too sharing his incredulous look as they all tried to process what had just happened. Tate felt his heartbeat strangling his throat as he tried to speak. “She-um…what… f**k!” his hands tried to speak for him too, flailing in front of him in panic’s sign language. “Jae- she was… you saw her, right? She was here?” “Yes, she was here,” Elder Raith squinted, scrutinizing the place she once stood. “Did she do anything significant while she stood here? I hea

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