Chapter 4-1


Chapter 4 To talk of it thus appeared at last a positive relief to him. "Yes, there'll be others. But you'll see me through." She hesitated. "Do you mean if you give in?" "Oh no. Through my holding out." Maggie waited again, but when she spoke it had an effect of abruptness. "Why SHOULD you hold out forever?" He gave, none the less, no start—and this as from the habit of taking anything, taking everything, from her as harmonious. But it was quite written upon him too, for that matter, that holding out wouldn't be, so very completely, his natural, or at any rate his acquired, form. His appearance would have testified that he might have to do so a long time—for a man so greatly beset. This appearance, that is, spoke but little, as yet, of short remainders and simplified senses—and all i

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