Chapter 9-3


"I only meant," Mrs. Stringham explained, "that I don't see what Mrs. Condrip would gain." "By her being able to tell Kate?" Milly thought. "I only meant that I don't see what I myself should gain." "But it will have to come out—that he knows you both—some time." Milly scarce assented. "Do you mean when he comes back?" "He'll find you both here, and he can hardly be looked to, I take it, to 'cut' either of you for the sake of the other." This placed the question at last on a basis more distinctly cheerful. "I might get at him somehow beforehand," the girl suggested; "I might give him what they call here the tip—that he's not to know me when we meet. Or, better still, I mightn't be here at all." "Do you want to run away from him?" It was, oddly enough, an idea Milly seemed half to ac

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