Chapter 20-3


"Then how could she suppose you weren't answering?" "She doesn't suppose it." "How then can she imagine you never named her?" "She doesn't. She knows now I did name her. I've told her everything. She's in possession of reasons that will perfectly do." Still he just brooded. "She takes things from you exactly as I take them?" "Exactly as you take them." "She's just such another victim?" "Just such another. You're a pair." "Then if anything happens," said Densher, "we can console each other?" "Ah something may indeed happen," she returned, "if you'll only go straight!" He watched the others an instant through the window. "What do you mean by going straight?" "Not worrying. Doing as you like. Try, as I've told you before, and you'll see. You'll have me perfectly, always, to refer t

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