CHAPTER IX ‘NOW, MY GOOD CREATURE, whatever you have to say to me, out with it at once! I don’t want to hurry you needlessly; but these are business hours, and I have other people’s affairs to attend to besides yours.’ Addressing Ferrari’s wife, with his usual blunt good-humour, in these terms, Mr. Troy registered the lapse of time by a glance at the watch on his desk, and then waited to hear what his client had to say to him. ‘It’s something more, sir, about the letter with the thousand-pound note,’ Mrs. Ferrari began. ‘I have found out who sent it to me.’ Mr. Troy started. ‘This is news indeed!’ he said. ‘Who sent you the letter?’ ‘Lord Montbarry sent it, sir.’ It was not easy to take Mr. Troy by surprise. But Mrs. Ferrari threw him completely off his balance. For a while he could

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