Chapter 9


Chapter 9That evening they went for dinner at the Ambassadeur Restaurant. The restaurant is one of the most famous dining rooms in Paris. It recalls the splendor of the Versailles of the past and it affords the comforts of the present. They had invited Pierre and John to join them. Pierre and John had rescued Talya from an attempted abduction on the part of my cohort, Mr. Rasheed. From that time onward, they became friends. Pierre Masson, a Frenchman, was the pilot and John Viblickovitzan, an Ethiopian fellow, was the navigator. They had flown their company’s Lear Jet on several occasions to service the needs of Talya’s colleagues. Tonight she and Khalid wanted to discuss their flight plans with them. Owning a Lear doesn’t mean that, even if you are a qualified pilot, you can sit at th

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