Chapter 26


Chapter 26“Khalid, look at me,” Talya demanded. He did. “When I heard what John had to say, I realized that we’re looking at this all wrong.” “But we saw the container with the Nassau tag...” “Let me continue, will you?” Talya threw him an impatient glance. “Okay, go on.” “Yes, we saw a container with a Nassau tag. Yes, the drugs were presumably packed into that container, and yes, we know the drugs were shipped from Miami, because we know – at least we can fairly assume – the head of the cartel is here, but we made another assumption, which has never been confirmed. We also assumed that the nitro had been ordered from the US.” “And how is that wrong?” “That’s wrong because there are much easier ways to obtain nitro than ordering it from the US. In fact, Hjamal ordered most of the eq

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