Chapter 22


Chapter 22An hour after their landing in Miami, Khalid, John and Pierre reached the Canadian Consulate where they were expected. “Mr. Michael Gillette, your Highness,” the consul said with a broad smile on his face as he met the three men at the top of the stairs, under the watchful eyes of two security officers at his side. “I am pleased to be welcomed in your house, Mr. Gillette,” Khalid said, shaking hands with him. “These are my colleagues, Captain Mason and John..., our navigator.” “Welcome, gentlemen, and please, Your Highness, go right in. Ms. Kartz has been waiting for your arrival, with some impatience, I might add,” the consul urged, indicating a door left ajar midway down the hall. Talya froze when Khalid stood in the doorway. “Khalid, I’m sorry for all this...” “Hush, Ta

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