III "Ah, Mr. Crimble," he cordially inquired, "you've come with your great news?" Hugh caught the allusion, it would have seemed, but after a moment. "News of the Moretto? No, Mr. Bender, I haven't news yet." But he added as with high candour for the visitor's motion of disappointment: "I think I warned you, you know, that it would take three or four weeks." "Well, in my country," Mr. Bender returned with disgust, "it would take three or four minutes! Can't you make 'em step more lively?" "I'm expecting, sir," said Hugh good-humouredly, "a report from hour to hour." "Then will you let me have it right off?" Hugh indulged in a pause; after which very frankly: "Ah, it's scarcely for you, Mr. Bender, that I'm acting!" The great collector was but briefly checked. "Well, can't you just a

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