

IX Lord Theign, when he had gone, revolved—it might have been nervously— about the place a little, but soon broke ground. "He'll have told you, I understand, that I've promised to speak to you for him. But I understand also that he has found something to say for himself." "Yes, we talked—a while since," the girl said. "At least he did." "Then if you listened I hope you listened with a good grace." "Oh, he speaks very well—and I've never disliked him." It pulled her father up. "Is that all—when I think so much of him?" She seemed to say that she had, to her own mind, been liberal and gone far; but she waited a little. "Do you think very, very much?" "Surely I've made my good opinion clear to you!" Again she had a pause. "Oh yes, I've seen you like him and believe in him— and I've fou

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