V "Your friend seems remarkably hot!" Lord John remarked to his young hostess as soon as they had been left together. "He has cycled twenty miles. And indeed," she smiled, "he does appear to care for what he cares for!" Her companion then, during a moment's silence, might have been noting the emphasis of her assent. "Have you known him long?" "No—not long." "Nor seen him often?" "Only once—till now." "Oh!" said Lord John with another pause. But he soon proceeded. "Let us leave him then to cool! I haven't cycled twenty miles, but I've motored forty very much in the hope of this, Lady Grace—the chance of being able to assure you that I too care very much for what I care for." To which he added on an easier note, as to carry off a slight awkwardness while she only waited: "You certainly

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