Chapter 16


Chapter 16 November 3,390 BC Earth Orbit: Prince of Tyre NINSIANNA All around her she dreamed of fire. She reached for the light of She-who-is, but although she could see the stars, no longer did they serenade her with their song. Beneath her back she could sense a hum. It felt neither hurtful nor helpful, but every ounce of her being screamed for her to get out of here! "Mother!!!" Ninsianna cried out. The playground of the goddess appeared as it always had whenever she journeyed into the Dreamtime, but no matter which way she ran, a cool, clear substance restrained her from reaching up to touch the swirling suns. There was plenty of light here, but it was a putrid green color, casting its malevolent light everywhere as it swirled around her like a sandstorm. "Ibilisi, Ibilisi, Ibi

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