Chapter 9-2


"Pareesa … are those your arrows?" All eyes turned towards Pareesa. "That's not Ninsianna," Pareesa said. "Look at her! It is an imposter! Sent to trick him so they could lure him into a trap!" "But she wears Ninsianna's red cape," Gita's voice warbled. She touched the colorful embroidery which rimmed the hem. "There is none like it in all the land." "Find out who that is!" His hands shaking, Ipquidad rolled the imposter onto her side and pulled back the hood. A gasp went through the warriors as they recognized a face which was nearly as familiar as Gita's own. "It's Shahla!" "Why would Shahla stab him?" "Everyone knows Shahla was crazier than a hyena!" "She blamed Mikhail for her baby's death." "I heard he was the baby's father." "No. It was Jamin." "Shahla slept with every wa

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