Chapter 13


Chapter 13 Sunday Morning, June 21st Janet turned over on the overstuffed sofa in the family room to face out. Her blanket slipped and hit the floor. Eyes still closed, she flailed for it but, she couldn’t get it back over her just right. Sighing, she opened her eyes and sat up. Amy Wysocki was sitting in the recliner Tom usually sat in when they watched movies, just staring at her. Janet did a double take at the unexpected presence of the older woman and then offered her a wan smile. “How are you, dear?” Amy asked. “Couldn’t be better,” Janet said and then instantly regretted the sarcasm. “How long have you been sitting there?” “Not long. Why are you sleeping on the couch?” “I was a little stuffy upstairs.” Amy wasn’t buying the explanation. “Try again. I heard Barb come h

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