Chapter 7


Chapter 7 8:38 Saturday Evening, April 18th Back at the Boar’s Head Janet found a parking spot along the right side of the Boar’s Head, not far from the side steps to the rustic old porch that led to the front door. It was early; not quite 8:40, and drizzling a cold spring rain. She figured the combination of time and weather led to the lighter than expected crowd as she ducked under her jacket and hustled to the porch. She combed her fingers through her hair before she stepped inside. It didn’t take her eyes long to adjust. The overcast pall of the skies outside matched the typically dimmer interior of the bar well this visit. The place was bustling but not packed. A makeshift sign by the door bouncer’s station said the new guy DJ’ing went on at 9:45. Odd time, she thought, shrugging

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