Part 6-5


Almost resentful, Strether could at last be prompt. "How can I make out such things?" She remained perfectly good-natured. "Ah but they're beautiful little things, and you make out—don't pretend—everything in the world. Haven't you," she asked, "been talking with her?" "Yes, but not about Chad. At least not much." "Oh you don't require 'much'!" she reassuringly declared. But she immediately changed her ground. "I hope you remember your promise of the other day." "To 'save' you, as you called it?" "I call it so still. You WILL?" she insisted. "You haven't repented?" He wondered. "No—but I've been thinking what I meant." She kept it up. "And not, a little, what I did?" "No—that's not necessary. It will be enough if I know what I meant myself." "And don't you know," she asked, "by th

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