Part 5-6


"Ah she won't of course have lost an hour. But that's just the good mother—the good French one. You must remember that of her—that as a mother she's French, and that for them there's a special providence. It precisely however—that she mayn't have been able to begin as far back as she'd have liked—makes her grateful for aid." Strether took this in as they slowly moved to the house on their way out. "She counts on me then to put the thing through?" "Yes—she counts on you. Oh and first of all of course," Miss Gostrey added, "on her—well, convincing you." "Ah," her friend returned, "she caught Chad young!" "Yes, but there are women who are for all your 'times of life.' They're the most wonderful sort." She had laughed the words out, but they brought her companion, the next thing, to a sta

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