Part 5-2


"Oh in closer quarters they come out!" And then, while Strether was aware of fearing closer quarters, though giving himself again to the harmonies, "Well," little Bilham went on, "it IS at the worst rather good, you know. If you like it, you feel it, this way, that shows you're not in the least out But you always know things," he handsomely added, "immediately." Strether liked it and felt it only too much; so "I say, don't lay traps for me!" he rather helplessly murmured. "Well," his companion returned, "he's wonderfully kind to us." "To us Americans you mean?" "Oh no—he doesn't know anything about THAT. That's half the battle here—that you can never hear politics. We don't talk them. I mean to poor young wretches of all sorts. And yet it's always as charming as this; it's as if, by so

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