Part 2-3


"Ah no," said Strether, "that's not the way it works." But she had already taken him up. "The way it works—you needn't tell me!—is of course that you efface yourself." "With my name on the cover?" he lucidly objected. "Ah but you don't put it on for yourself." "I beg your pardon—that's exactly what I do put it on for. It's exactly the thing that I'm reduced to doing for myself. It seems to rescue a little, you see, from the wreck of hopes and ambitions, the refuse-heap of disappointments and failures, my one presentable little scrap of an identity." On this she looked at him as to say many things, but what she at last simply said was: "She likes to see it there. You're the bigger swell of the two," she immediately continued, "because you think you're not one. She thinks she IS one. Ho

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