Loving Blue in Red States | Sweetwater, Texas | Anne Hagan-2-2


Emmie half turned toward Cass then, resigned to playing twenty questions with the brash and nosy other woman while they waited. “I’m off the clock right now, in both cases. To answer your question, this is my eighth year.” “Wow, you’re kidding. I never would have guessed that. You look so...so young.” Emmie felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. She quickly turned to face the stand again and moved up a little as the line shifted. She drew in a breath and let it out slow and then another. A man left the front of the line with a box carrier holding four drinks and a large bag of popcorn. The lines were tight and he had to fight his way through. As he jostled along past them, Cass, trying to get out of his way, bumped into Emmie. “Sorry. Sorry,” she said as she latched onto an arm when she

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