Chapter 37-2


"Who knows," Merariy said. "She seems to prefer their company to her own father's." He shut the door in her face before she had a chance to ask who they was. She needed to think things through with someone who told things like they were instead of saying what people wanted to hear. She moved through the streets, searching for her friend. "Excuse me, Liwwaresagil," she asked an older woman, bent nearly in half carrying a bucket of water from the well. "Have you seen Gita?" "Sorry, child," the old woman said. "I haven't seen her. I hear congratulations are in order?" "Yes," Shahla gave her a weak smile. "They are." "Don't you let that boy shirk his obligations to you," Liwwaresagil pointed a finger at her. "It's a disgrace, the way he's been carrying on ever since Ninsianna broke thing

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